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Our Cleaning Services

Cleaning takes up the precious time you would normally spend with family and you can't get that back. Let S.A.L.T Services give you the gift of time uninterrupted. Our professionals are dedicated to ensuring your home is an inspiring space that you enjoy. Whether the TLC (tender loving care) your home is in need of is quarterly or weekly we are here to fulfill your requests, no contract necessary. We deliver professional service with guaranteed satisfaction.


Your health and safety is our top priority! Our professional cleaners undergo background checks. In addition to that, the products we use to sanitize your home are effective against COVID-19. We aim to superseded your cleaning expectations while maintaining your health and safety. 



If you are interested in scheduling a cleaning service, please call us at 734-992-7258. Liked your first cleaning service by S.A.L.T Services? Feel free to schedule a recurring service.

Clean outs

  • Eviction Cleanouts

  • Garage Cleanouts

  • Estate Cleanouts

  • Furniture Removal

  • Carpet Disposal

  • Mattress Removal

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